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How to make an Income Statement in Power BI

Profit and loss, Power BI Table, IBCS, Finance, Forecast, Variance.

How to make an income statement in Power BI

Create a new Chart and change the Setting of the Orientation to Vertical. Fill the Fields for Actual, Budget and last Year Values. Fill the Category with and profit and loss Hierarchy. Disable the last Year Value Line. Change the Base Chart Type to display only Actual and Budget and no Variance anymore. Sort the Chart by Variance by click on the small arrow and circle Icons. Or sort the Category by using the Standard Power B I functionality. Change the Space Usage of the Chart to be fixed, useful once you expand the Hierarchy. Enable the drill down by Category Levels, by clicking for each Level once on the Hierarchy Symbol. You can control how many Levels are enabled for drill down with the navigation toggles. You can either expand a full level with the big plus and minus Symbols on the right top. Or drill down a single node by clicking on the small plus and minus symbols. Enable Table Values to display the Chart Values in a Table as well. Actual, Budget and Last Year and its Variances. You can change the Header Shape in Case you need it. Choose from line, Rectangle or hatched and format it according to your needs. Add additional Columns to the Table which are not part of the chart. You can format it in the table header value setting. Enable or disable Columns in the Table by the settings in the Table Settings menu. You can control all Values used in the Chart here. In the Table Header Settings, you can change the Labels of the Variance Columns calculated by the Visual. In the Table Header Value Settings, you can change the Header Shape for additional Columns. Change Chart Types by clicking in the big arrows. Disable Navigation Toggles once you finished the design Mark Columns with right mouse click as bold Certified and available in Microsoft AppSource and on Request at:

Basic Ultimate Variance Chart with Forecast in Microsoft Power BI.

Spring 2020 Release

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