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Power BI Premium XMLA read and write

On 26 March 2020 Power BI Premium “came of age”

Power BI Premium XMLA read and write

The XMLA interface is now also available in “write” mode (Public Preview). This means that your current SSAS Tabular Development on SQL Server on-premise or Azure Analysis Services can now be deployed directly after Power BI Premium. In general, Public Previews are very stable and you don’t have to wait until September 2020 for the final release. Various community tools can now also be used. The goal is to be able to download these models as pbix again, but this functionality is not yet available.

  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • SQL Server Profiler
  • Azure DevOps
  • Dax Studio
  • SQL Server Data Tools
  • Tabular Editor

Power BI is the orchestration of Azure Analysis Services, a combination of Self Service and Enterprise BI

You can now use the SSMS to connect to the Workspace=Server, Dataset = Database. Manage partitions and much more.

The XMLA interface can be activated in the Admin Portal.

Metadata translations to support multi-language reports and datasets

Multilingual datasets Step 1:

Multilingual Datasets Step 2: Via Powershell the TargetStoragemode must be set to Premiumfiles.

External tools can be started directly from Power BI from summer 2020.

Perspectives to define focused, business-domain specific views of dataset metadata

Calculation groups for calculation reusability and simplified consumption of complex models

Admin Dashoard

Views: 102